I. aldweb - 6. Links |
Linksaldweb's prefered Internet sitesThe meaning of the little flag is quite obvious :  the site can be read in English  the site can be read in French  the site can be read both in French and in English (what a tremendous job!)  Here are some very selected sites, in addition to all those that you will find while surfing on my site. A link to the Web site of my little brother, Franck, the Queutchny's Web, who wrote a very nice and well documented paper about "Web evangelisation" when he was at the university. It's worth reading it... well if you understand French ! This paper is also available on my site, right here : Web evangelisation - the Catholics on the Internet (in French)
A link to the site of Sandrine, La cuisine entre nous, a very nice and young mother who gives us some very good French cooking recipes... a highly recommended site for all greedies !
A link to te site of the Association d'Aide Médico-Chirurgicale au Tiers-Monde, AMCTM, in which my uncle works as a dentist and that does a great voluntary service.
A link to the site Club Win's, whose webmaster Pierre has the willing of having all computer fans meet in one association, to share ideas and experience.
Pierre takes care of a very nice freeware site, PlanetFreewares. This site is made simple and we therefore find quickly what we are looking for.
A link to what I believe to be the best selection / listing of freeware programs on the Internet, Rien que des Freewares, made by Sylvie Pierrard.
A link to a very nice web site for "aquarium maniacs", Aqua Dav.
A link to the second web site of my Dutch friend Ernst (look also for him in the next paragraph as Ernst wrote his first web site using my Ma Page Web freeware), Oelaans's Software Page.
A link to a very good and easy to understand training course in electronics, Etronics.
A link to the so beautiful web site of a strip cartoons' collector, Alain's collection of strip cartoons.
A link to the web site of Lionel, LioCity, which is full of topics (des freeware, Delphi, CPU Plus...) that you will feel very surprised to read all of them with most interest.
A link to the new web site of my friend Alain, ar-graph. This site proposes graphical stuff (logos, buttons, background pictures, etc...) devoted to your web site design. The aldweb Site is very greatfull to Alain for its last relooking (its logo, a certain idea of the desert... but not the sandy background color !).
A link to the Serge Web site. This site is very Delphi programming oriented, but it also has a very interesting part about computer security issues. Let's add that the comment of its webmaster, Serge, about my web site is a real pleasure to read: "Aldweb Site : A complete and diversified web site that does not talk only about programming - A must see"
A link to the web site of Zerg. Its watchworld describes it perfectly well: Because a help is always welcome... The efficient helping hand!
A link to the great blog ("web log") Collision Detection site. This site is maintained by Clive Thomson who describes himself as a writer on politics, technology, and culture. Clive describes his site as a blog collection of weird research he is running into, and musings thereon! Well, this site is full of unusual papers that are worth reading.
A link to the birtuel.com web site of Adel. Here is a nice example of a web site optimized for blind people... You should visit it often for its content (that I let you discover, but let me just tell you that I go and visit it at least once per week) and also to remember that content is much more important than visual layouts of our web sites made with complex portal and CMS systems (and it is the author of miniPortail who writes it!).
Creation date : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Last update : 14/07/2011 @ 16:54
Category : I. aldweb
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