Deeper use of the Sharp PC-1360 with Machine Language |
Sharp Pocket Computer 1360 - Competence CenterDeeper use of the Sharp PC-1360 with Machine LanguageHow to avoid systematic ALL RESET...It took me quite a while to understand the clue that I will explain here. I have two RAM cards in my Sharp PC-1360. When using them in SET MEM B mode, some of my Machine Language programs would not work and bring me Error messages or, worst, a ALL RESET request. When using them in SET MEM C mode (only the first RAM card is active in this case), the same programs would work fine. I finally got to figure out that X register is used by the Sharp PC-1360 to point to some RAM addresses in SET MEM B mode. So, before using the IX, DX, IXL and DXL opcodes that all manage with XL and XH registers (having X = XL + 256 x XH) or even before putting any value in these two registers, you should always save these registers and then restore them back before the final RTN instruction. PockASM code: ORG 33000 XL_REG EQU 4 XH_REG EQU 5 YL_REG EQU 6 YH_REG EQU 7 SAVEX: DW 0 # Place to save X Register BEGIN: LIDP SAVEX # DP <- @(SAVEX) LP XH_REG # P points to XH MVDM # [DP] <- [P] (save XH value) LIDP SAVEX+1 # DP <- @(SAVEX+1) LP XL_REG # P points to XL MVDM # [DP] <- [P] (save XL value) ############################################# # insert your Machine Language program here # ############################################# END: LIDP SAVEX # DP <- @(SAVEX) LP XH_REG # P points to XH MVMD # [P] <- [DP] (restore XH value) LIDP SAVEX+1 # DP <- @(SAVEX+1) LP XL_REG # P points to XL MVMD # [P] <- [DP] (restore XL value) RTN |
BEEP in Machine LanguageOn most Sharp Pocket Computers, and especially on the Sharp PC-1360, the beeper is associated with the XOUT line, managed by bits 5, 6 and 7 of the Control Port (at address &5F of Internal RAM, OUTC opcode). The following ML program outputs a beep of a given tone and for a given period of time (the addresses are given as an example, they should be adapted as explained in my Web page about ML) . PockASM code: $ JR # compilation instruction set ORG 33000 K_REG EQU 8 L_REG EQU 9 M_REG EQU 10 PORTC EQU 95 TONE: DB 0 # Beep Tone (set by Basic program) DURAT: DW 0 # Beep Duration (set by Basic program) BEEP: LIDP TONE # DP <- @(TONE) LP M_REG # P points to M MVMD # [P] <- [DP] LIDP BEEP2+1 # DP <- @(BEEP2+1) = where to poke frequency MVDM # [DP] <- [P] , we poke frequency LIDP DURAT # DP <- @(DURAT) LP L_REG # P points to L MVMD # [P] <- [DP] LIDP DURAT+1 # DP <- @(DURAT+1) LP K_REG # P points to K MVMD # [P] <- [DP] LIB 0 # B <- 0 LIA 1 # A <- 1 BEEP1: LIP PORTC # P points to PortC ORIM 16 # [P] <- [P] or 16 (update PortC) OUTC # Init Beeper BEEP2: WAIT 0 # We need to poke the right tone value at the place we put 0 ANIM 233 # [P] <- [P] and 233 (update PortC) OUTC # Update Beeper LP K_REG # P points to K SBB # [P+1,P] <- [P+1,P] - (B,A) , Duration is decreased of 1 unit JRNZM BEEP1 # if Duration <> 0 then go back RTN # Exit |
The Basic program that will use this ML program looks like this : 10 CLS : WAIT 0 20 FOR A=33000 TO 33040 30 READ B 40 POKE A,B 50 NEXT A 60 INPUT "TONE=";T 70 INPUT "DURATION=";D 80 DH= INT (D/256) 90 DL=D-256*DH 100 POKE 33000,T,DH,DL 110 CALL 33003 120 END 130 DATA 0,0,0,16,128,232,138,85,16,129 140 DATA 8,83,16,128,233,137,85,16,128,234 150 DATA 136,85,3,0,2,1,18,95,97,16 160 DATA 223,78,0,96,233,223,136,21,41,13 170 DATA 55 |
INKEY$ in Machine LanguageIn the Sharp PC-1360, the pressing of key will be tracked with the use of two ports : - the standard I/O Port A
- and one unusual port that will be at address &3E00. We wil call it the K port for Keyboard port.
These two ports are building a key matrix to tell what keys' pressings to look for. The result, meaning the pressed key, will always be found in the I/O Port A. The following ML program outputs a value to the I/O Port A and to the K Port, and awaits for a valid key to be pressed then returns the I/O Port A value as from the pressed key (the addresses are given as an example, they should be adapted as explained in my Web page about ML) . PockASM code: $ JR # compilation instruction set ORG 33000 PORTA EQU 92 # I/O Port A internal RAM address PORTK EQU 15872 # K Port external RAM address IA_IN: DB 0 # I/O Port A input value (set by Basic program) K_IN: DB 0 # K Port input value (set by Basic program) VALUE: DB 0 # I/O Port A return value storage LIDP IA_IN # DP points to I/O Port A input value LIP PORTA # P points to I/O Port A MVMD # [P] <- [DP] (I/O Port A now contains IA_IN value) OUTA # Initialization of the I/O Port A LIDP K_IN # DP points to K Port input value LDD # A <- [DP] (A now contains K_IN value) LIDP PORTK # DP points to K Port STD # [DP] <- A (K Port now containts K_IN value) KEYIN: INA # A <- I/O Port A, if a valid key is pressed, A will # receive the value according to the matrix CPIA 0 # Sets Zero Flag if A is equal to zero JRZM KEYIN # Go back to KEYIN if no key was pressed, meaning A is equal to zero LIDP VALUE # DP now points to the return value storage address STD # [DP] <- A, the return value storage now contains the value of A RTN # Return, exit from ML program and goes back to Basic |
The Basic program that will use this ML program looks like this : 10 CLS : WAIT 0 20 FOR A=33000 TO 33027 30 READ B 40 POKE A,B 50 NEXT A 60 INPUT "I/O PORT A = ";I 70 INPUT "KEYBOARD PORT = ";K 80 POKE 33000,I,K 90 PRINT "PRESS A KEY..." 100 CALL 33003 110 PRINT "RESULT I/O PORT A = "; PEEK (33002) 120 END 130 DATA 0,0,0,16,128,232,18,92,85,93 140 DATA 16,128,233,87,16,62,0,82,76,103 150 DATA 0,57,4,16,128,234,82,55 |
Creation date : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Last update : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
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Reaction #2 |
by Pavel 09/01/2019 @ 18:43 |
I also discovered the problem with crashing system when using X register in RAM paged mode. To search for the cause, I disassembled the CALL command routine and found a BUG here! The SHARP engineers are trying to save X before calling the user routine and restore it after return, but they made a mistake and in a branch for calling in the RAM paged mode they call the SAVE routine again instead of calling the RESTORE one after return from the call. So, the X register is saved properly and you can restore it by replacing RTN instruction at the end of your routine by JP $1217, which will invoke the proper ROM restore routine and then return to the OS. It will work in both paged and unpaged mode, so it's an easy remedy for this problem and costs only 2 bytes and a few clock cycles.
Reaction #1 |
by Bert
04/04/2010 @ 22:57 |
Hi :
I think PC-1350 does not require special routines to save ML
I use &6900 memory location with 16 Kb Card. on my 1350
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