- Version : 3.4 (September 2007)
- Freeware for :

- Language :

- Screen :

- Downloadable File : ibclock.zip (29 Kb)
iBClock is just and only a clock displaying time in different flavors:
- clock style
- digital
- binary
- hexadecimal
- octal
- Roman numerals
iBClock source code
iBClock is one of the sample programs that I have put in the iziBasic package. So, you will find the source code of
iBClock on my
iziBasic page.
Updates Description3.4 (09/17/07)- recompiled this program with the latest iziBasic version 6.1 to avoid device freezes or soft resets on some devices
3.3 (11/04/05)- removed a useless line in the source code
3.2 (02/23/05)- recompiling this program with the latest iziBasic version 5.0 led to a 4 KB (-6%) decrease of the program's foot print
3.1 (12/02/04)- minor source code change and compiler version upgrade for a smoother running of the iBClock software
3.0 (10/22/04)- fixed a v2.0 bug which was returning a Fatal Error in devices with Palm OS < 5 (and not in the emulator!), thanks to Ken for reporting it. This bug was due to a PP compiler bug which was fixed by the brilliant author of PP… so that I just needed to recompile iziBasic with the latest version of PP, and then recompiling iBClock in iziBasic solved the bug
- fixed a bug in the digital clock for devices with gray screens, the clock hands were not correctly refreshed
- fixed a bug which did not save the color preferences for the binary and digital clocks
- slighly upgraded the drawing of the digical clock circle, this is I removed a "parasite" point on the right side
- upgraded the About and Donation popup windows
2.0 (09/04/04)- fixed compatibility issue with Handspring Visor series
- fixed white background of the clock if the device has a color theme with non white background chosen in preferences
1.0 (07/22/04)- initial release