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article.gifVI. Palm Knowledge - 7. Customize RsrcEdit

Standard RsrcEdit

Customized RsrcEdit

RsrcEdit is an onboard tool, well-known from Palm programmers and other maniacs.
Its last release was in 2001 and, since then, more and more long filenames appeared in our Palm devices.

RsrcEdit's main window badly truncates the filename in its much too small Name field.
This is not very practical, so I decided to modify this form layout to get a chance to see the full name of all files, like shown in the right picture.
This was done using RsrcEdit itself

All steps to get this result are explained in a goodie PDF file (256 Kb) that I offer to you.

Creation date : 02/11/2003 @ 15:27
Last update : 30/04/2007 @ 15:56
Category : VI. Palm Knowledge

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