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article.gifI. aldweb - 2. My Hobbies

My Hobbies

Hopefully, there are other pleasures than PC in life !

My first Hobby is my family. In a world that wants to have us search for individualism as a model and that is losing all its traditional values, I consider that the family is a strong value, and that it brings us a tolerant, a respectful and an equilibrating environment. The basis of a family is the association of a man and a woman, not based on any kind of juridical contract as we can feel when going to the lawyer or to the town hall, but much more on the love between two people which must have trust and generosity as a starting point. With such a basis, it will be so much easier to integrate all members of the family, parents and children, and to have them have fulfillment in their activities. So the family will grow rich from the life which fills all of its components.

My second Hobby is definitely computer science. I have an Engineer Degree and professional experience in a leading company in the use of informational technology.

In order to maintain and always improve this level of knowledge, I have two activities :

  • On one side, I work in my company;
  • On the other side, I spend part of my leisure time in writing freeware programs, as well as searching new ways in informational technologies.
Therefore, I am very interested in getting in touch with people who have similar interests.

My third Hobby is motorbiking. It is a fast way of going from one place to another (maybe the only one) in the jam of the Parisian area, I am far away from the common vision of a "breaker biker", and from the "stupid motorbiker that wanted to have a big motorbike to drive as fast as possible". I practice it with the idea of a calculated risk, a nice fair play on the road (why only bikers are exchanging a move of the hand to say hello?) and the motivation of long rides to discover new landscapes.

My fourth Hobby is aquariophily. For me, there is nothing more relaxing than watching fish move in an aquarium.
In their silent world, far away from our noisy cities, my guppies, platies and black mollies have a full life time to take care of their lives. They swim around, eat, date and reproduce themselves in harmony and with happiness.

Thank you so much Teresa for having taken the time to improve the English of this page.
Teresa's great website can be found here:

Creation date : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Last update : 14/07/2011 @ 16:53
Category : I. aldweb

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Reaction #16 

by Henri_AUBERT 24/04/2022 @ 17:44

 Là encore, je me reconnais d'abord dans la description de ton 1er hobby : la famille ainsi que ta conception de la famille.J'aime aussi apprendre en informatique, qui est une suite logique de mon hobby de radioamateur, d° pour les 2 roues ainsi que l'aquariophilie que j'ai pratiqué au Maroc, mais aussi une fois entré en France. C'est marrant cette ressemblance, sans compter que nous sommes de la même année...

Reaction #15 

by Alain 08/07/2010 @ 02:15

Des hobbies qui remplissent pleinement une vie! c'est le gage d'une vie bien remplie.
Un hobby qui est pratiqué vers la collectivité sans objectif financier, je ne peux que vous saluer bien bas.

Un grand merci de la part d'un apprenti webmaster.eee

Reaction #14 

by Charles 26/04/2007 @ 16:29

You cool

Reaction #13 

by aldweb 15/11/2006 @ 13:46

Bonjour ludoleon,

Merci pour le commentaire élogieux sur GuppY.

Je suis déjà suffisamment fou de m'être initialement lancé dans le projet GuppY, rejoint ensuite par plein d'autres fous.
Alors cette folie supplémentaire de référenciel de recettes de cuisine, qui serait celle de trop pour mon équilibre mental , sera sans moi !


Reaction #12 

by ludoleon 14/11/2006 @ 22:10


GUPPY est meilleur que......les autres.
Je travaille actuellement sur un projet de site web de recettes de cuisine, avec GUPPY bien sur.
C'est beaucoup de travail pour mettre les recettes au format XML/type="text/xsl" .
Je recherche depuis plusieurs mois (en fait 3 ans) un fou programmeur pour creer avec un cuisto fou un logiciel avec toutes les recettes que je possede (plusieurs milliers).
Il n'y à rien à gagber, mais beaucoup à faire. Car le but :
1-Distribuer le logiciel LIBREMENT & GRATUITEMENT.
2-Faire participer les internautes pour completer ce "paquet" de recette.
3- Optenir le premier logiciel gratuit avec 1 million de recette.
Y à t-il un ou des fous ?
Alors contactez moi, impossible n'est pas Français
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