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article.gifVII. Pocket Computer - 2. TRS-80 Pocket

Radio Shack TRS-80 Pocket Computer

The very first Pocket Computer

Here is what this Pocket Computer looks like

My father bought one of these first PCs in the early 80's. He fast got rid of it just because he could not understand the benefit he would get from it, so he gave it to me. This PC was my first PC, and it was the beginning of my love story with computers.

This computer is the ancestor of all pocket computers so far. To sum up its limitations, let's say that its RAM was of only 1 Kb. I had no way of printing or storing my programs, so I just had to write them down on a piece of paper and reinput them manually when I wanted to use them back.

aldweb's Competence Center about the TRS-80 Pocket Computer

And now, my own work :

Link TRS-80 Pocket Computer

Christophe wrote some very interesting Web pages about the clone of the TRS-80 Pocket Computer, the famous Sharp PC-1211. All tricks (about how to read the memory space even though this computer had no PEEK instruction) work just as well with the TRS-80 Pocket Computer. For those of you who can read French, you should give a look to the The hidden side of the Sharp PC-1211 page.

Creation date : 01/01/2003 @ 00:00
Last update : 30/04/2007 @ 15:58
Category : VII. Pocket Computer

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Reaction #2 

by Gerald Krug 31/07/2007 @ 00:02

I wrote a book for the TRS-80 PC-4 Pocket Computer that contains 56 programs.

Cheers,Gerald Daniel Krug

Reaction #1 

by Barry2718 13/03/2005 @ 06:32

G'day from oz. A trip down memory lane for me. My first programmable computer was a canola ??? used in 1972 at high school. At university I bought a HP55 as I couldn't afford the $­­695 for the HP65 in 1974 (still have the original sale broucher too!). I purchased the Radio Shack PC2 with a 4K expansion in 1982 and still it works. I have also a Hp15c, Atari Portfolio (2 of them) and a sharp pc-1248 (small version of the PC2 same fuctionality) that I bought for in a second hand shop. I now own a palmone tungsten T. How much processing power can a person own?. Don't ask me about the desktops! Thanks again. Barry Moore
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