Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Laurent Duveau

- Version : 5.1 (June 2008)
- Shareware for :

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- Screen :

- Trial Version download : (277 Kb)
- Full version price : US $ 15
All upgrades, minor as well as major ones, are free, you only buy this software once!
SysInfo is a
INFOrmation tool for Palm devices.
SysInfo is a tool designed to help you know better and master your PalmOS based device : informations about the device, processor, system password, hotsync status, battery status, auto off-timer, memory status, memory use.
Detailed description of SysInfo
SysInfo is a set of seven utilities :
- Device : Shows device's Serial Number and Display information (size and color depth).
Monitors the usage made of the device, provides statistics about it and the system's stability.
- Processor : Tells what processor is in your Palm device, providing information about the processor (frequency and clock speed).
Allows downclocking and overclocking of processor for the DragonBall family processors.
- Palm OS : Gives version number of PalmOS (takes into account patches).
Shows whether Security password is set or not. Allows to remove this password with no loss of protected records when the similar option from PalmOS will delete these records.
Shows HotSync information (HotSync username and last successful HotSync date).
Allows to force the HotSync backup bit for all databases and applications, which is especially useful for applications that were beamed to the device or installed not using the Desktop install tool and which, very often, have their backup bit not set!
- Memory : For main memory card and eventual additional memory card, calculates memory's storage use by files in both ROM (Read Only Memory, including Flash memory) and RAM (Random Access Memory).
- Files : This utility is accessed from the Memory screen.
It draws a pie chart showing INTERNAL or EXTERNAL memory use (both ROM and RAM) by main programs. Tick on one piece of the pie to get details about one program (data and executable sizes) and eventually remove it from the pie chart view.
- Battery : Gives exact current, warning and critical voltage values.
Estimates Full battery voltage (not provided by PalmOS). SysInfo uses a special algorithm to guess it and precision incresases over time.
Monitors the battery charge level over time and provides graphical statistics about it.
- Off Time : Shows automatic off time value for your Palm device.
Allows to change this auto off timer with wider options than PalmOS.
Detailed description of SysInfo (one more time)
The same thing as above presented in a more "
marketing" way

Limitations of the unregistered version of SysInfo
The limitations of the trial version of
SysInfo are:
- Nag screen to remind you to buy the full version
- Limited to 10 uses
- Some functionalities are not activated or limited (save to memo, change processor frequency, remove password, long Auto off time, partial browsing in the Files pie charts)
How to buy the full version of SysInfo?
You can buy the full version of
SysInfo for the very little cost of US $ 15 on the following online stores :
Thanks for purchasing
All upgrades, minor as well as major ones, are free, you only buy this software once!Users testimonials
22-May-02 by Don ReiterGreat program, very handy. Allows you to track what's taking up all that room on your palm, how much memory you have left, and what the battery status is, even while charging.24-May-02 by Martin HeathcoteElegant, simple application that does what it sets out to do very well. The auto off timer has proved useful since upgrading to 4.1 as my last util for that stopped working.20-Mar-03 by DarylGood program,helpful,informative,analysis of Palm devise helpful09-Nov-04 by Albert MonacciThis is a wonderful software.
A kind of "Swiss knife" of different very useful utilities all grouped in one unique software.
Now I can easily manage my auto switch off according to the remaining battery charge, check which program I should remove first to find some KB back out of the little 8MB of my device.
Highly recommended!26-Apr-05 by Kevin O'BrianThis new version 4 of SysInfo rocks!
This bundle of utilities is really a must have... and I have had it for 2 years and a half now.22-Jun-05 by Kevin JohnesThis application should be shipped in standard with all devices. Why Palm did not buy it yet?12-Jul-05 by Paolo RivioliThis is the kind of software you use all the time without even realizing it.
I had to work on my wife's old device the other day, because its memory was full and I highly missed the Memory functionality of SysInfo. Then if found her device to be very slow and my immediate reflex was to search for SysInfo and its Processor feature.13-Jul-05 by K. ObeI use 2 software from this developper: iziBasic which is a really easy compiler and this great SysInfo which is really informative. Great!Updates Description
5.1 (06/01/08)- solved an overflow bug in the External Files analysis (SysInfo would crash on program exit when the tree structure was too complex) and highly optimized the overall involved
- the External Files analysis now correctly recognizes external cards up to 4GB (Palm OS limit) when it was previously working fine only with cards up to 2GB
- In the Processor utility, added detection of SysInfo running in the StyleTap Palm OS emulator for Windows Mobile devices (
- added a "Clean DB" option, prior to the "Backup bit" option in the Palm OS utility screen, to remove empty "to be deleted at next HotSync" records in databases when device was never synchronized with desktop (HotSync) or when it was synchronized a long time ago (3 months) so it can be believed not to be synchronized anymore.
- a few cosmetic changes
5.0 (05/25/07)- fixed application crash when accessing the Usage Stats screen for devices with Palm OS < 5
- fixed OS version displaying (displayed "M.m" instead of "M.m.f", where M is Major, m is minor and f is fix)
- fixed Memory & Files information for devices with NVFS memory like the Palm TX
- enhanced the Memory & Files algorithms to return ultimate memory use accuracy by finding and taking into account a few leftovers that were found in the previous algorithms
- instead of calling Palm OS' default digitizer calibration application, SysInfo now has its own calibration utility with enhanced options and a background monitoring, which can be of help for devices that suffer from the so called “Mad Digitizer Syndrome” (digitizer slides out of alignment)
- added a Battery charge level statistics module
- HotSync can now be launched from within SysInfo after the backup bit set option was run
- cosmetic fixes and enhancements in various areas of the application
4.3 (11/24/05)- added a System Monitoring function to have SysInfo perform 2 monitoring tasks in the background:
1- migrated the low voltage battery monitoring utility in this area
2- added a new option to check and force the Auto Off timer to the specified value in the case another application would change it without warning. This seems to be the case, for instance, with some version of the Palm Treo 650 ROM Updater which sets back the Auto Off value back to 30 seconds without telling it when using the phone application.
- added screen size and processor speed detections for various new devices: GSL M68, Palm Z22 and TX.
- cosmetic enhancement: fixed background transparency for some images and icons.
4.2 (09/01/05)- bug fix: the charging battery image would not be removed when required.
- the screen size information would always display Width x Height in the default portrait format when the display could have been rotated from portrait to landscape mode. If SysInfo succeeds to get from the system if the device is in the portrait or landscape mode, it now adapts the returned result accordingly.
- in the Usage Stats graph, the vertical axis was enhanced to display 2 additional intermediate values and the graph was enhanced with dotted horizontal bars that are now drawn (in color devices only) to better show the time scale.
- added Palm LifeDrive screen size and processor speed detections.
- the help message about Asked Frequency, Base Frequency and Real Performance was extended to include the definition for Base Frequency which was added in version 4.1 of SysInfo.
4.1 (06/01/05)- bug fix: in some cases, the External Files utility would crash while analyzing the external card's content.
- in the Usage Stats graph, the precision of vertical axis was fined tuned to display wider bars (for instance, before the axis was scaled from 0 to 6 minutes or hours, so always with an even upper value, with 3 as intermediate value for any usage time between 4 and 6, now it can be scaled from 0 to 5 minutes or hours, so with an odd upper value, with a 2 ½ intermediate value if between 4 and 5).
- in the Processor utility, a Base Frequency indicator is now returned for most of the ARM processors based devices (before, an Asked Frequency was returned only for the DragonBall processors based devices).
- in the Device utility, the display size was wrong for some devices (Palm Tungsten T3 for instance), the right value is now returned.
- in the Device utility, replaced the "Unknown" text by "Not available" when the serial number is not returned for a device, which I think is a more precise information.
- in the Battery utility, added lightning image if the device is charging its battery.
- in the Battery utility, for the palmOne Treo 600 and the Treo 650 devices, SysInfo now uses a special algorithm to guess the warning and critical voltages which are not provided by the system as they are for all other devices so far (Why? Good question!).
- accuracy progress of the full battery voltage for all devices, together with the warning and critical voltages for the palmOne Treo 600 and the Treo 650 devices, was improved by measuring them each time the battery status is checked (when turning on the device) and no more only when displaying the Battery utility screen.
- added the information in the user manual when some options are available if SysInfo is installed on the main memory storage and not available in the case SysInfo is installed on an external card.
- also added the information in the Device utility help paragraph that some devices do not return their serial number.
4.0 (04/25/05)- in the Device utility, the screen resolution comparison of the device against several common ones available (which was of little added value) has been replaced by a new sophisticated utility which monitors the usage made of the device and which provides statistics about it (on time, number of time switched on and off) and the system's stability (or "health", number of soft resets!). This new option is available for most devices with Palm 0S >= 3.1 (notification manager feature required, otherwise partial information is provided).
- added a new digitizer calibration check tool in the Devices utility.
- changed the Backup bit setup message from "xx files out of yy needed to have their backup bit set" to "xx files out of yy potentially needed to have their backup bit set", as this backup bit setup is preventive.
- upgraded the help file, adding bookmarks for quick and easy browsing.
3.1 (03/21/05)- added a sophisticated options window in which many new options can be set in addition to the 2 former options for the Memory & Files screens
- added a new option in the Palm OS utility which allows forcing the HotSync backup bit for all databases and applications
- added application high resolution icons (contribution from Mike Featherstone). I decided not to add high resolution images within the application itself to keep a small footprint to the application
- even though the use of SysInfo is quite intuitive, I added a user manual
3.0 (11/24/04)- changed of development tool to be able to implement new functions, with quite a heavy adaptation of the source code (because of some specificities between the HSPascal and the PP compilers)
- added HotSync information (HotSync username and last successful HotSync date) in the Palm OS window
- split Device window in two: Device (new information utility) and Processor
- added ARM 925T and ARM 926EJ-S processors detection
- if my Speedy freeware benchmark tool is installed on the device, shows a button for direct access to this software from the Processor utility screen
- for ARM devices, as SysInfo does not provide an internal overclocking utility for these devices, if an overclock software is found, shows a button for direct access to this software. These third party overclock software are: Lightspeed and PXA Clocker
- in the Palm OS utility screen, changed OS version displaying (from "v. M.m.f" to "M.m.f", where M is Major, m is minor and f is fix)
- enhanced the Memory utility by giving the information for all memory cards (previously, it only handled the first INTERNAL and the first EXTERNAL memory cards, when modern devices may have more than one storage now)
- changed the Files window access, now it is accessed through the Memory screen, with dedicated pie chart graphics buttons (or "files" text buttons for Palm OS < v3.5 devices)
- therefore, reorganized the utilities buttons
- enhanced the Files utility by providing pie chart also for the EXTERNAL memory cards
- in the Memory and Files utilities, show size in Kb (Kilobytes) if it is less than 1 Mb (Megabyte), show size in Mb otherwise
- SysInfo can now save memos to the new Memos application introduced in PalmOS 5.2.8?, PMem/DATA creator/type
- Save to Memo option now considers localized system date and time format preferences
- new more modern icon for this new major release
- source code optimization and minor bug fixes in various areas
2.6 (10/14/03)- upgraded the frequency estimator in the Device screen for estimating better ARM processors speed (for Palm OS 5 devices)
- changed files options from 5% 10% 15% to 3% 5% 10% in order to be able to see more files in the new devices with wider memory storage
2.5 (05/13/03)- Palm Tungsten C compatibility (64 MB of RAM!)
2.4 (03/11/03)- bug fix for big size (>=256 Mb) external memory cards (SD, MMC, Memory Stick...) in the Memory option that would badly calculate the memory cards size
2.3 (01/01/03)- added scan for EXTERNAL memory cards (SD, MMC, Memory Stick...) in the Memory option
2.2 (10/31/02)- fixed a bug that would in very rare cases hang the Device utility in a "Please wait..." state for some devices
- few optimizations in the source code
2.1 (09/18/02)- fixed a display bug that, for some devices, could hide the Warning voltage in the Battery screen
- upgraded the precision of the algorithm for Full battery voltage estimation
- replaced "Real Frequency" by "Real Performance" in the Processor screen as the previous appellation could confuse some users
- optimized source code
- cosmetic changes in the user interface
2.0 (07/15/02)- added a include/exclude ROM choice in Memory and Files analysis, with direct selection from main window
- direct selection from main window of memory storage % to show in Files analysis
- added DragonBall SuperVZ and new processors (ARM, Xscale...) detection
- added downclocking and overclocking of DragonBall processors (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK)
- save System Information to memo option added
- now gives the Asked Processor speed as returned by the system (for DragonBall processors) in addition to estimating the Real Processor speed
- added information of Private Records status (Show, Hide or Mask)
- added color for color enabled devices (black & white still available)
- highly upgraded the user interface (images, look & feel...)
- changed About window
- SysInfo is now SHAREWARE
1.4 (05/24/02)- minimum Palm OS version check
- update of contact info (web site, e-mail)
- remove additional INTERNAL card in Memory view if not present. This is the case for all devices so far, even though Palm OS opened this possibility! In addition, EXTERNAL memory cards are more fashion now...
- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
- code update for Palm OS v5 compliancy
1.3 (12/15/01)- small icon for list view
- a few cosmetic changes in the menu bars
1.2 (12/04/01)- color icon
- a few cosmetic changes in the menu bars
- a small bug corrected in the Auto Off Timer management
1.1 (11/16/01)- source code debug
1.0 (11/13/01)- initial freeware release