Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Laurent Duveau
- Version : 7.1 (May 2008)
- Freeware for :
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- Downloadable File : speedy.zip (271 Kb)
Speedy is a benchmark utility for PalmOS based devices.
Speedy performs three resource taking routines to measure the real CPU speed of your device and benchmark it with other PalmOS based devices.
Notice: version 3.0 enhanced the benchmark routine to devices equipped with an ARM processor kind running Palm OS 5.
Top Speedy!Speedy was rated, as of November 4th, 2003, as the
72nd most used software on Palm devices at
Top 100 Popular Palm Softwares, ranking established by
TrackerDog. One year and a few months later, this 14th of March, 2005, Speedy was
33rd on this same ranking. And, on October 28th, 2005, the day that version 6.0 was released, Speedy was now ranked
21st still on TrackerDog
When you know that the use of more than 24,000 software is tracked on this website, I am very honored by the ranking result obtained for Speedy, ranking which is consolidated over time!
Speedy's devices rankingResults of Speedy for most devices are to be found in my Palm Knowledge area,
Devices Benchmark page.
All these values are also included in Speedy's internal database.
Updates Description7.1 (05/31/08)- added benchmark values for the Palm Centro device
- added partial benchmark result for the GSL Xplore M28 and M70
- added the best ever obtained benchmark on a device after overclocking, this was on my own Palm Tungsten C using Lightspeed. Would you succeed to get a better one on another device, please let me know
- added explanations in the Devices screen (i) about what the used abbreviations ([-], [*], [P], [L], [f+], [WM], [66%] and [100%]) mean
7.0 (03/24/08)- added detection of Speedy running in the StyleTap Palm OS emulator for Windows mobile devices (www.styletap.com)
- added benchmark values for the HTC S710 device (Windows Mobile 6.0 for Smartphone), running Speedy inside the StyleTap platform
- added benchmark values for the Palm Treo 755p device
- updated the benchmark value for the Palm Treo 680 (the previous reference record for the Graph Test was 0.1 sec too pessimistic on the average)
- refined the number of devices' counter, it was previously counting twice the same device when this device could have benchmark results in portrait or landscape modes (for example, the Palm TX was in this case)
- added a bunch of exotic devices in the database, even if no benchmark results were ever provided for them, so as to have an exhaustive database of Palm OS based devices in Speedy's knowledge base
6.4 (09/03/07)- added full details of benchmark value for the Handpsring Visor Neo
- added one-handed navigation feature
- fixed default button in the Detail Device and the Advertisement screens
- added a new paragraph in the user manual, about how listening to music running in the background affects the device's performance and how Speedy helps evaluating it
6.3 (12/02/06)- added benchmark values for the Palm Treo 680 device
6.2 (09/18/06)- added benchmark values for the Palm Treo 700p and Aceeca Meazura devices
6.1 (11/14/05)- fixed a bug from version 6.0 that would cause a very bad crash in some rare cases ; upgrading from version 6.0 is highly recommended
- added high resolution icons in the Detail Device screen
- a few other minor cosmetic changes in the About Box
6.0 (10/26/05)- added benchmark values for Palm IIIe, Palm VIIx, Palm TX, Palm Z22 and GSL Xplore M68
- upgraded processor information for GSL Xplore M28 and Hunetec H500, although results for these devices are still badly missing in Speedy's database...
- massive review of the source code, which was quite required after more than 4 years of patching Speedy upon each new version
- the application's Saved Preferences were also "revamped", Speedy will from now on remember your selection of devices and your [last] and [saved] results when upgrading
- when the benchmark would run during 15 seconds for a 20 MHz DragonBall device, it runs in less than one second for the new high speed ARM devices. As a consequence, accuracy was a little bit depreciated with the new devices => now the Speedy benchmark is run 5 times for ARM devices, and the average benchmark value is calculated in order to increase results accuracy (of about 0.01 sec)
- moved the "Save [last]" and "Save [now]" menu items from the Options menu to the Application menu
- the "Save [last]" and "Save [now]" menu items now correctly update the benchmark graph screen with the newly [saved] values
- a few minor cosmetic changes (a space character was inserted between "Speedy" and the version number in the title when saving results to memo, the "Please wait..." initial message was centered vertically)
- the "Please wait..." initial message is now provided with a progress bar
- added an advertisement screen for my other applications, to replace the standard "Plase wait..." initial message
But, if you find it "boring", there is a user friendly option to remove it...
- finally took the time to integrate the nice high resolution icon that Schtunks had designed especially for Speedy, well just 2 years ago!
- registered the CreatorIDs for the SCells, SMatches and SNumerus sample timing applications; I had to change SCells' CreatorID to LDsC because the older one used was already reserved by another application
- last but not least, upgraded the documentation (Speedy.PDF file) which had not evolved in the last 2 years
5.2 (06/06/05)- added benchmark values for Palm LifeDrive and Garmin iQue 3200
- source code optimization (~2% decrease of the program size) and slightly faster initial program loading
5.1 (05/11/05)- added benchmark values for Palm Tungsten E2 and Tapwave Zodiac 2
- changed benchmark values for Palm Tungsten E because they were not correct (overestimated)
- added bookmarks in the user manual (PDF file) for easier browsing through the documentation
5.0 (03/14/05)- added a new (No device) selection to allow choosing less than 5 reference devices to display and compare your device with
- Speedy now unactivates pen interactions when running the benchmark routines so as not to distort benchmark results (available for devices with Palm OS < 5 only, as PACE for Palm OS 5 considers the "system use only" related API calls as NOPS, i.e. No OPerationS)
- added benchmark values for Fossil Wrist PDA, Sony Clié N760C, Palm VII (1st generation, simple DragonBall processor) and AlphaSmart Dana Wireless, and partial benchmark information for IBM Workpad (10u), IBM Workpad (20X), IBM Workpad (40U), IBM Workpad 2 (22X), IBM Workpad 2 (30X), IBM Workpad c3, IBM Workpad c500 and IBM Workpad c505
- in a search to be exhaustive, I added some 50 devices to Speedy's database, even if most of the new devices come with no benchmark data so far
- given that there are now some 126 devices in Speedy's database, I upgraded the source code to sort and list all devices automatically and, therefore, ease my work for future upgrades!
- Speedy now reports the number of devices with full benchmark data, partial benchmark data or missing benchmark information
- even though so few people donated for Speedy so far (and I think that this is a pity given the number of downloads and of people using it... see the Donate paragraph in the readme file), I updated the donation URL
4.1 (12/02/04)- added benchmark values for Palm IIIxe, Handspring Treo 180, Handspring Visor Platinum, PalmOne Treo 650 and PalmOne Tungsten T5
4.0 (10/04/04)- split all ARM devices by processor model (Texas Instrument OMAP, Intel XScale, Motorala i.MX1/i.MXL and Sony CDX2230GA). Upgraded the Devices & Color Picker options accordingly, and also added processor type vizualisation in the devices' details window
- moved the devices database from the internal code to dedicated resources. As a result the program size became 20% smaller for the same number of devices (54 in version 3.5), and program size remained the same (when compared to version 3.5) even with all additional features of this new version 4.0
- added benchmark values for Sony Clié TJ35 and for Samsung SGH-i530
- added devices with partial or empty information for the following 16 devices: GSpda Xplore G18, GSpda Xplore G88, HandEra TRGPro, Handspring Treo 180, Handspring Treo 180G, Handspring Visor Neo, Handspring Visor Platinum, Handspring Visor Pro, Palm i705, Palm IIIe, Palm IIIxe, Samsung SGH-i505, Samsung SPH-i500, Sony Clié N760C, Sony Clié NR70 and Sony Clié S360. These devices are marked with a [*] or [-] sign in Speedy's database depending on whether they are with partial or no results. The devices' details window was upgraded to reflect this partial knowledge
- the devices' details window was fully redesigned to look nicer and with additional information (processor)
- added a button to switch automatically from Speedy to some processors overclocking software (this is very convenient when you want to validate down/over-clocking settings). These software are: FastCPU - for DragonBall overclocking, Lightspeed - for ARM overclocking, PXA Clocker - for ARM overclocking, SysInfo - for DragonBall overclocking
- buttons are now hidden while the benchmark is running, so as not to sidestep the issue of the benchmark results if the user presses a button by mistale at that time
- Speedy can now work with the new Memos application introduced in PalmOS 5.2.8?, PMem/DATA creator/type
- removed the Save to Memo option of benchmark results for the now very old Palm OS 2.0 PalmPilot devices because of a memory stack overflow bringing to a soft reset
3.5 (06/05/04)- added benchmark values for Sony Clié TJ27, Palm Zire 31 and Palm Zire 72
- added a new Color Picker option to allow customizing the colors of the bars according to processors types
3.4 (04/06/04)- added benchmark values for Sony Clié TH55, Sony Clié TJ37 and Palm Zire 21
- Speedy now "automagically" detects the Kyocera 7135 device, so I removed the Kyocera 7135 specific version
- added the number of registered devices in the About box
3.3 (02/17/04)- replaced device short name by device full name in the benchmark details window
- added a new menu option giving the number of devices registered in Speedy's database and inviting you to send me the benchmark results for devices not yet listed
- reviewed the benchmark reference value for Palm Tungsten T which was wrong (thanks to Mike Shofield for pointing it out)
- added benchmark values for Garmin iQue 3600 and for Acer s10
3.2 (01/19/04)- added access to the Devices list and selection window from the Detail Device popup window
- in the Detail Device popup window, now shows the name of the device
- added benchmark values for Sony Clié UX50, Sony Clié TJ25 and Palm Tungsten W
- optimized source code
3.1 (10/22/03)- changed values for Palm Zire 71 (was wrong) and for Palm Tungsten T3 too (T3 suffers from slowdown bug in some cases: http://www.clievideo.com/T3Bugfix.zip or http://t3optimizer.mobilevoodoo.com/ for explanations)
- added benchmark values for Tapwave Zodiac, for Sony Clié SJ22 and for Kyocera 7135
- created a Kyocera 7135 version of Speedy (standard one does not work with this device)
- upgraded Devices choice window by reordering all devices in company name & device model alphabetical order and also by having the popup list of devices remember and prompt the selected device
- added Top DragonBall, Top ARM, Load and Save My Set buttons in the Devices choice window
- Save to Memo option now considers localized system date and time format preferences
- changed application icon (thanks to Schtunks)
- added the Credits section in this readme file
3.0 (10/12/03)- upgraded the benchmark for ARM devices, so as to be more realistic with these devices
- upgraded the ARM Notice and the Speedy.pdf files accordingly
- added benchmark values for Sony Clié NZ90, Sony Clié SJ33, Sony Clié NX73V, Palm Zire 71, Palm Tungsten T2, Palm Tungsten T3 (landscape and portrait), Palm Tungsten E and Treo 600
- code optimization for a smaller Speedy.PRC file size
- minor cosmetic change in the Detail Device window and the Save To Memo option
- updated the Thanks information
2.6 (05/13/03)- added benchmark values for Handspring Treo 90, Sony Clié TG50 and Palm Tungsten C
2.5 (03/13/03)- fixed bug that came with v2.4 in which Visor Prism was replaced by another device.
2.4 (01/01/03)- added benchmark values for Palm Tungsten T and Sony Clié NX70V (first devices with ARM processors)
- upgraded scaling of the bar chart for displaying correctly the results obtained on the new devices with high speed ARM processors
- added warning notice about results returned by the new generation of devices (with ARM processors and running Palm OS 5)
- added benchmark AutoRun option at Speedy launch
- added version number in saved memo
2.3 (10/31/02)- added values for Palm 105, Palm Zire, Palm m130 and Visor Prism in the devices list
- fixed a bug appeared with version 2.2 that would hang Speedy for some devices in "Currently running..." state
- added version number in the title bar
2.2 (10/14/02)- added values for Sony Clié SJ30, Sony Clié T675C and Palm Pilot Professional in the devices list
- added color to devices bars according to the devices processors (blue for DragonBall, green for DragonBall EZ, purple for DragonBall VZ and orange for DragonBall Super VZ)
- optimized source code, benchmark evaluation now runs faster
- changed default initial view from MHz to %
- updated the Thanks information
2.1 (09/18/02)- added values for Palm IIIc, Handspring Treo 270, Sony Clié SL10 and Sony Clié T615C in the devices list
- upgraded on board help with detailed explanations
- added Donation information
- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
- reduced size of PDF help file (from 644 KB to 95 KB !)
2.0 (07/05/02)- user selection of devices to compare with
- various devices values added
- save benchmark results to memo option added
- changed About window
1.7 (05/24/02)- replaced III reference value by Clié N770C
- minimum Palm OS version check
- update of contact info (web site, e-mail)
- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
- code update for Palm OS v5 compliancy
- updated the detailed documentation (PDF file)
1.6 (12/11/01)- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
- color icon and small icon for list views
1.5 (11/05/01)- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
1.4 (10/24/01)- added % (relative timing) and MHz (frequency) buttons on bar chart for quick view switching
1.3 (10/22/01)- replaced IIIxe and IIIc reference values by III and Visor Deluxe
- can now save [last] result and no more only the [now] one
- save from detailed benchmark results view
- open detailed benchmark view by ticking on one device in the bar chart
- Thanks and Tips windows
- detailed documentation (PDF file)
1.2 (08/30/01)- two views of the results : frequency (original one) and relative timing
1.1 (08/19/01)- detailed benchmark results view of [last] results
1.0 (08/18/01)- initial release