- Version : 2.3 (September 2007)
- Freeware for :

- Language :

- Screen :

- Downloadable File : numerus.zip (81 Kb)
Numerus is a basic standard 4 function calculator... that operates in Roman numerals.
Numerus is often used for teaching purposes, especially in the USA. Here is a link to a lesson I especially liked:
Exploring Roman Numerals (thanks to Tony Vincent - Omaha, Nebraska).
Numerus Source Code
I have ported
Numerus in different languages and development tools, that was a very good exercise for me in all these tools.
Numerus is even a sample software for all these tools. So, the
Numerus source code is open and free.
Updates Description2.3 (09/17/07)- recompiled this program with the latest iziBasic version 6.1 to avoid device freezes or soft resets on some devices
2.2 (02/23/05)- Recompiling this program with the latest iziBasic version 5.0 led to a 12 KB (-17%) decrease of the program's foot print
2.1 (12/02/04)- added an exit from menu option in the Options and Help menus
- minor source code change and compiler version upgrade for a smoother running of the Numerus software
- corrected a few mistakes in the documentation file
2.0 (10/22/04)- switched reference source code from HSPascal to iziBasic, this was a complete rewrite of this software!
- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
1.7 (09/18/02)- added color icon and smallicon
- added Donation information
- upgraded this help file
- reduced size of PDF help file (from 214 KB to 55 KB !)
1.6 (07/05/02)- bold font for text in buttons to make them more readable
- choice between two keyboard layouts
- cosmetic changes in the user interface
- beep when error (result not in {0..99999} range)
- when bad number input warning occurs, choice between message popup and beep
- result copy to clipboard option
- Numerus now behaves in a more standard way with inputs like " 5+= " or " 5+/3= "
- minor bug correction in the MR button (nobody had seen before one very clever user!)
- bug correction for divide by zero error and out of range multiplication
1.5 (05/22/02)- a small icon for list views
- new numbers input method (natural way)
- update of contact info (web site, e-mail)
- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface
- code update for Palm OS v5 compliancy
- detailed documentation (PDF file)
1.4 (12/03/01)- minor cosmetic changes in the user interface (menu bars)
1.3 (10/30/01)- code modifications to be compliant with latest versions of HSpascal
1.2 (08/06/01)- debuging and code simplification, now works back as a basic calculator
1.1 (08/02/01)- try to have Numerus work like a sophisticated calculator
1.0 (07/06/01)- initial release