My Freeware for Palm Devices
Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Laurent Duveau

My free programs,
also called "freeware" in computer technology's language, can be downloaded from this site.
By the way, seven of them (Cells, Matches, NekoCat, Numerus, iBClock, tinyBasic and iBrainF*ck) are given away with their source code which was ported into different developement languages, according to my participation to the development or discovery of these languages.
Ordered by date, these languages have been:
- the great HSPascal compiler.
- the just as fantastic onboard Palm OS Pascal Compiler (which was kindly nicknamed PP). You can then download the (142 Kb) file which contains the Pascal source codes lightly adapted for a compilation with PP as well as programs made especially for PP (includes sample ARMlets).
- Matches was also ported to HB++.
- And, one after the other, I am porting them to iziBasic, the brand new onboard development tool for the Palm OS platform... made by myself

If you like my web site and find any of my freeware programs useful, please consider making a
donation to show your support.