Poll #1 - What's your opinion about the new look & feel of the aldweb Site?
(from January 1st, 2003 until March 14th, 2003)
Great ! | | 51% | (204 votes) |
Good | | 30.5% | (122 votes) |
Average | | 9% | (36 votes) |
Bad | | 9.5% | (38 votes) |
Number of votes : 400 votes.
More than 81% of the visitors who took the time to answer to this poll like the look & feel of the aldweb Site
The miniPortail script has a lot to do with this so positive result
Poll #2 - What did you come for on the aldweb Site?
(from March 15th, 2003 until July 6th, 2003)
PC Software | | 21.28% | (116 votes) |
Palm Software | | 12.48% | (68 votes) |
Pocket Computer | | 4.04% | (22 votes) |
miniPortail | | 58.17% | (317 votes) |
Routing error... | | 4.04% | (22 votes) |
Number of votes : 545 votes.
Even thoug miniPortail is not the most downloaded of my software, it is the one that brings the most people on this site . This is clearly confirmed by the activity of the miniPortail forum here!
Poll #3 - Where do you live?
(from July 7th, 2003 until September 18th, 2003)
Europe | | 64.44% | (348 votes) |
North America | | 17.04% | (92 votes) |
South America | | 5.74% | (31 votes) |
Africa | | 4.07% | (22 votes) |
Asia | | 4.07% | (22 votes) |
Oceania | | 4.63% | (25 votes) |
Number of votes : 540 votes.
Europe appears to be the primary "market" for the aldweb Site. Maybe, but I am really happy to get in touch with people from all over the world thanks to my web site
Poll #4 - How often do you come on the aldweb Site?
(from September 19th, 2003 until February 17th, 2004)
Every day | | 10.49% | (54 votes) |
Once a week | | 10.1% | (52 votes) |
Every 2 weeks | | 2.72% | (14 votes) |
Once a month | | 4.66% | (24 votes) |
A few times in the year | | 7.96% | (41 votes) |
It's my first time | | 58.06% | (299 votes) |
It's the last time I come! | | 6.02% | (31 votes) |
Number of votes : 515 votes.
About 28% of people come to visit my website at least once a month and 58% are new incomers. It seems that my website is not so much above the limits of the desert anymore!
Poll #5 - Did you browse easily on the aldweb Site?
In other words, is the information here well organized?
(from February 18th, 2004 until May 31st, 2005)
Yes | | 70.39% | (485 votes) |
So-so | | 18.87% | (130 votes) |
No | | 10.74% | (74 votes) |
Number of votes : 689 votes.
I now feel better about the access easyness to the information on my web site. So, I will keep focusing on the content rather than on the look & feel.
Poll #6 - What can be found above the limits of the desert?
(from June 1st, 2005 until November 30th, 2009)
the sea | | 18.93% | (229 votes) |
greenery | | 5.54% | (67 votes) |
still the desert | | 13.97% | (169 votes) |
an oasis | | 9.67% | (117 votes) |
the aldweb Site (ald = Above the Limits of the Desert) |
| 51.9% | (628 votes) |
Number of votes : 1210 votes.
This is a poll result that I like a lot, since a little bit more than half of the visitors of this web site appreciate it better than real ecological desert limits