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  • I am happy to announce the arrival of another language, being Romanian, in the miniPortail language pack. Thank you Alexandru-Ionut for this translation.
  • Czech language translation has been upgraded to the latest version of miniPortail. Thanks Pavol .
  • The package containing sample source codes for PP has been upgraded and is now in version 4.

  • On August 28th, the European Parliament postponed its vote on the proposed EU Software Patent directive. This directive will now be analyzed during the session of September 22nd-25th, 2003.

  • I added HB++ (Basic Rapid Application Development and compiler aimed at programming easily software for the Palm OS devices) in my Palm Bench2 analysis. HB++ is a very promising Basic compiler. I have just started to play a little bit with it and I enjoyed it a lot. The people are really nice there and, if I have a little time left in the coming weeks, I will write an article about HB++ here.
  • I am happy to announce the arrival of another major language, being Arabic, in the miniPortail language pack. All thanks for this translation have to be addressed to Mahmoud who is from Jordania. Thank you Mahmoud.
    The web page about the geographical coverage of miniPortail is really nice looking now
  • I updated the software download statistics. It is to be noted that, for the first time in August, Ma Page Web was no more the number one download, but was replaced at this position by miniPortail which had a very regular progress since the beginning of the year.

  • I am happy to announce the arrival of the most spoken language in the world (by 1 billion of people!), being Chinese, in the miniPortail language pack. Thank you Frank for this translation.
    The web page about geographical coverage of miniPortail is almost full now
  • Upgrade or update of the following languages in miniPortail's language pack :
    - Russian, thanks eugenij
    - Indonesian, thanks Agi
    - Slovak, thanks Pavol
  • August summer time has been a very productive month for many people . Indeed, not less than 28 new miniPortail webmasters got in touch with me and their site was added in the miniPortail Links page!
  • Since I had many requests for it, I added the Search Box in the miniPortail archive forum.

  • I am very sad of the latest news from the PeekPocket web site a few days ago. Indeed the PeekPocket site has just closed. PeekPocket was the web site for all French PDA developpers (Pocket PC and Palm OS).
    I have written a few articles on this site and the adventure of the PP Team started on the Pascal forum of PeekPocket for which I was moderator.
    I wish all the best in their new life without PeekPocket to the webmasters Nicolas and Phil

  • Added in the Special! box a link to an online translation (by Google) for my web site. I hope that this will help German, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese readers to understand the content of the aldweb Site
    A very special thank you to Francisco who helped me a lot in setting this up
  • Update of the following languages in the miniPortail language pack:
    - Russian, thanks eugenij
    - Indonesian, thanks Agi

  • Upgrade of the Dutch translation in the languages pack for miniPortail (thanks Jacques)
  • Corrected the 2 bugs found by airhero and Eddie and, therefore, released v2.3p1 (stands for version 2.3 patch 1) of miniPortail.
  • Two new active members joined the miniPortail Team recently: BillyZeCat and WackoJacko. Welcom to both of you
  • Summer time clean up, all messages of the miniPortail forum written between the 1st of June 2003 and the 31st of July 2003 have been moved in the miniPortail Archive Forum.

Updates as of July 31st, 2003 - by aldweb 31/07/2003 @ 22:45

  • There have been two updates today in the miniPortail language pack:
    - thanks to Karol to provide us with the latest Polish translation, as the previous one was quite old
    - thanks to Pedro for the fine tuning of his own Portuguese version

Updates as of July 30th, 2003 - by aldweb 30/07/2003 @ 23:21

  • There have been two little updates in the miniPortail language pack: thanks to Alex for finding a mistake in the Norwegin file and to Pavol for the upgrade of the Slovak file
  • the miniPortail user manual is now available in English thanks to the work of WackoJacko. Thank you WackoJacko
  • Added a new page about the Downloads Statistics of my programs.

Updates as of July 29th, 2003 - by aldweb 29/07/2003 @ 23:41

  • New language for miniPortail, being Finnish (thanks Juha), and Norwegian is now updated to version 2.3 (thanks Kristian)
  • You should go and see the page about geographical coverage of miniPortail. It is becoming quite impressive Two major languages (major by the number of people who speak them, all languages are Major in their richness) are still missing: Arabic and Chinese. Any volunteers among our readers?

Updates as of July 27th, 2003 - by aldweb 27/07/2003 @ 23:29

  • You have been waiting for it, it took a little bit long to release it, so it is THE news of today!
    After 3 months of heavy work, the miniPortail team is very happy to release the brand new version 2.3 of miniPortail, the web portal system that we wish to keep very easy
  • As you will see, the list of improvements for this version is very long and Realia is preparing a memo to easily get the highlights of this version 2.3
  • The miniPortail translators from about everywhere on Earth have to be especially thanked as they very kindly translated this version 2.3 before it was released and they only had a few days to do this job

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